Attend the US Premiere of 'Lightyear' and walk the red carpet amongst the cast and directors...16/5/2022
Lightyear is a new spin-off in the Toy Story film franchise, which will explore the origin story of the Space Ranger who inspired the Buzz Lightyear action figure owned by Andy and Bonnie throughout the original film franchise.
Expected in attendance is cast members, Chris Evans and Taika Waititi, and director, Angus MacLane. We are currently unsure of other celebrities who will be in attendance. If you are interested in attending this highly exclusive event, then please contact The Lexo Club Concierge now for more information, pricing or to make a booking... Comments are closed.
Prices may or may not include VAT & Booking Fees. These are capped at 22.8% + £0.20 per order. Offers, Tickets, Features or Access may be limited to eligible members only. Always read article fully or ask the concierge for more information.
Tickets are priced at £25 per person for members or £35 per person (sold in pairs) for clients. Please contact The Lexo Club Concierge for more information regarding this event or to make a booking...
February 2024