The Lexo Club Concierge provides sourcing services for luxury goods and items that may require sourcing such as wine or anything you are looking to buy. Some of the fashion brands we specialise include Hermès and Chanel bags, Patek Phillippe and Richard Mille watches and rare jewellery.
Our experienced expert team can source can source a variety of items, from the worlds rarest watches, highly sought after handbags and sold-out fashion pieces. We have in-house Hermès specialist that source and authenticate bags upon client request. Our personal shopping & style experts at The Lexo Club are able to advise on the latest styles and take the effort out of staying on trend. We can provide style advice & guidance, coordinate wardrobe makeovers or arrange an at-home styling with a delivery of selected fashion items. We can then also arrange for stylists and photographers to host a photoshoot to capture the moment or for content creation. The Lexo Club, which is renowned for its partnerships across the fashion industry, can arrange private shopping & stylists at major luxury retailers and department stores. We can arrange this for you at Harrods, Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, John Lewis & Partners and at major luxury retailers. All requires no relationship or membership at the individual stores, as a client of ours. If you would like to find out more or open a request, then please do not hesitate to contact The Lexo Club Concierge now and we would be delighted to assist you... Comments are closed.
Prices may or may not include VAT & Booking Fees. These are capped at 22.8% + £0.20 per order. Offers, Tickets, Features or Access may be limited to eligible members only. Always read article fully or ask the concierge for more information.
Tickets are priced at £25 per person for members or £35 per person (sold in pairs) for clients. Please contact The Lexo Club Concierge for more information regarding this event or to make a booking...
February 2024